Monday, April 27, 2015

Good Riddance Winter!!

Here's how I amused myself this winter.  I had to do something to relieve the monotony of a really  cold, snowy, miserable, affair . At least I was able to cheer up some neighbours and passers-by with my spray painted flowers. When you look outside and only see white for months it can get to you.

Its' over now and good riddance.  I felt like I had a curse on me.  In March I fell  on a tiny piece of ice the size of  a cookie, banged my head on the metal edge of the door frame, and seriously messed up my leg. No broken bones no head injury. I'm stupid though. I thought going swimming would work out the pulled muscle in my thigh, but it only made it worse. There I was, having to walk sideways , using my arms to lift my right leg up because it kept giving out on me.  Trying to turn in bed  and wash myself was a challenge

When I moved into my rental  house  I decided to have my bedroom on the main floor. The four piece bathroom is there and the kitchen is close by too. That was the best decision I made . Not having to tackle the stairs made it so much  easier for me to get around while I was injured . The kitchen is long and narrow,` so I could hold on to the counters to get around

Although swimming didn't help heal my leg I realize that it did help me to recover quicker and my injuries were less.  Doing all those laps in the pool has kept my legs strong and my body flexible enough that I could take care of myself. I have this dread of needing help. I've heard too many horror stories on that subject.

Aside from the physical challenges I also had emotional strain due to an old boyfriend and an ex husband. Fool that I am; I honestly belled that  thanks to retirement, these guys would be  happier.
My ex husband is finally living the life he always wanted;being an artist. My old boyfriend is able to pursue writing successfully. Are these guys happy? Not on your life. So miserable so ungrateful, for what they have. That's fine, but they should leave other people alone (meaning me) and keep the doors of the past closed.  People don't change and they should accept that.

 This April I was able to have a short visit with my son . He came to Toronto, from China, where he is teaching school, to attend  a funeral, so I decided to go there and see him.  It was a happy reunion.
It's reassuring to know that he's healthy and in good spirits. Saying good bye was hard. I think he's going to be away for a very long time. He has a good life in China and what is there here for a young person? fewer and fewer good jobs, housing so expensive, as well as other costs.  Things are so different from when I was starting out.  

OK, so now all I need to do is wait for  the bank and Revenue to figure out what happened to my tax refund, get  a courier  to refund me money for a lost shipment , get my landlord to quit forgetting to take  my rent payments, get permission for a phone interview to save myself a trip to Moncton ( too  long a  story ) and get a group of volunteers organized to open a charity shop by the end of June.

So much for taking it easy!

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