Sunday, February 3, 2008

A quiet Sunday. I managed to tick off everything on my to do list.

Before I talk about that I'd first like to say to Lisa ( Hi!) at Brass and Ivory , that I'm trying to figure out how to do links. I have a case of brain fog right now that makes it impossible for me to figure out even the simplest directions. Also I've been reading your Brass and Ivory blog and I feel like I've been hit by a baseball bat! And that's a good thing. I'll try to sort something out this week.

Now back to: To Do Lists. If you are having memory , concentration problems, or just plain feel unorganized (like me) I recommend making a list(s) . Keep a pad of paper and a pen close by and whenever you think of something , write it down . It can be anything, an idea for a story you want to write, a grocery list, or even a reminder to call a certain person. Wow! how many times I've said "I must call so and so today" and then the next thing you know it's 11:00 pm and it's too late.
Myself I try to have a daily list and I check things off as I do them. It's a nice feeling at the end of the day to see all those little checks marks. I don't get down if the list isn't completed either. Some days the fatigue causes me to shut down and I can't do anymore.

I also have a separate list for bigger long term goals. Things that need to get done around the house etc. OK I admit that list does get pushed aside fairly often.

I use to be fairly competent and quick minded. Now I need lists .

Nothing in the news about drugs or drug companies today. It's Sunday, I guess they deserve a rest.

Back to work tomorrow I hope I'm not too tired to deal with the bureaucracy . I hope there's some good news about me working at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole: I am new to your blog and welcome you to the MSer's. You'll find plenty of links at each of our blogs - be sure to bookmark when you first arrive so you can come back later.

I, too, do not agree with taking drugs for my MS. I do medicate for other ailments (Reflux disease, Pravachol for Cholesterol, Detrol for Urinary frequency, Prozac for depression, Allegra for allergies, Requip for Restless leg syndrome, pain meds for extreme pain otherwise Tylenol).

I am a great believer in supplements and diet and invite you to visit my blog at

If you start from the earliest date and work up to present day, it makes it easier to understand the blog.

I am 54 y/o, have had MS since 1976 and have just had to "retire" due to rescinded job accommodations.

Write me when you have time. Would love to know your thoughts.

Again, welcome aboard,